Students and student employees have the opportunity to learn important career skills in their positions. Learning these skills now, in an educational environment and with a great supervisor, makes them more prepared for the world of work.
Based on extensive …
By Stacey Stevens
Stacey StevensExecutive Director, Employer Connections & Alumni Career Engagement
We want to make the student employment process as clear and easy as possible, so take a minute to explore the steps below. If you’ve still got questions, you can find more in-depth information in the Student Employment Guidelines, and you can contact us any time at
As anyone working or attending college in Colorado, you know the quality of life it can bring. You already realize it is a great place to live, work and play. Each year Career & Professional Development surveys DU recent graduates …
Katie Parrott’s college career advisor used to put her in the category of “ostrich person.” The term was reserved, she recalls, for students who’d “stick their head in the sand and pretend that school was never going to end.”
In …
By Stacey Stevens
Stacey StevensExecutive Director, Employer Connections & Alumni Career Engagement