Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit

The resources below are designed to help employers navigate diversity recruitment and hiring through an inclusive approach. In addition, resources are provided for students who are considering non-traditional employment paths, are in need of work authorization for employment, and who are exploring organizations who reimburse for tuition.

For Employers

For Students

While Employer Connections primarily posts internship, full-time work, and student employment opportunities in PCO, our internship & job database, we recognize there are a multitude of employment paths students can pursue as they build their skills and experience. We’d like to share the below resources with you, as they are not included in PCO.

  • GoinGlobal – Job and internship opportunities all around the world and has an H1B database of employers looking to hire international employees.

While informed, the Employer Connections team is not an expert in the shared content on this page. We are constantly learning and are eager to do this work alongside you. This toolkit will evolve as our understanding grows and shifts. If you would like to see an addition or edit to this page, please reach out to us.


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