Those who identify as women face unique issues in the world of work. This can include caregiver leave, pay equity, harassment, overcoming social norms and more. This page is designed to provide articles, support and answers to issues facing women entering or already in the workforce.
Resources for those interested in learning more about Women’s issues:
Employers talk a lot about diversity and inclusion. In fact, you'll be hard-pressed to find a company that doesn't say they're diverse and inclusive. Companies make these claims on their web sites, in job descriptions, and at career fairs. But how …
A comprehensive resource for students and job seekers looking for career advice, job postings, company reviews from employees, and rankings of the best companies and industry employers.
Have you ever sat silently as a coworker talked for 47 of the 50 minutes allotted for a meeting? Have you mentioned an idea only to be ignored or have someone else say it later and get credit? It can …
A comprehensive resource for students and job seekers looking for career advice, job postings, company reviews from employees, and rankings of the best companies and industry employers.
Let’s face it, progress for women in the workplace was moving at a snail’s pace even before the coronavirus pandemic hit. Now all those gains are at risk of being quickly undone and worse. For the past six years, Lean …
The team within Career & Professional Development takes our work around diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) very seriously. DEI values inform and guide our work as a department, and we are committed to ensuring that our services and resources meet …