WEBINAR: 5 Ways to Conduct Successful Informational Interviews - Wed, May 22 at 12pm - 1pm

Please use this external registration link to sign up for this event.   Stop wasting your time in ineffective networking meetings! Informational interviews can be a critical piece to your efforts in your job search, but also in your efforts to …

Informational Interviews

Careers aren’t built alone! Informational interviews are a key tool in your professional toolbelt: learn how to leverage the peers and mentors in your network to advance your career, clarify your job search, or strengthen your performance in your role.

The DU Career Network – How Students Conduct Informational Interviews

Learn how students can use the DU Career Network for class assignments that require them  to reach out to experienced professionals to learn about a specific profession, industry or professional skill.

Informational Interviews Introduction

What are informational interviews and why should you do them? After watching this short introduction, please view our Informational Interviewing Guide for Korbel MA students in the resources for more information about how to actually conduct them.

Informational Interviewing Guide (Korbel MA Students)

Informational interviewing is a powerful way to build your network and learn more about the field.

Ease Into Networking Through Informational Interviews

We hear and read about it all the time…you must network for career success! But, many people are overwhelmed with the idea of networking and are not sure where to start. Informational interviewing allows a conversation to happen, usually 1-on-1, …

Informational Interviewing

If you are looking for a job, considering a new career, or trying to advance in your current career, you can benefit from informational interviews—one of the most effective ways to build your professional network. In this course, learn how …

4 Lies You Tell Yourself to Avoid Setting Up Informational Interviews

If you’re looking for a job, odds are you’ve heard you should set up some informational interviews. (Refresher: They’re the coffee meetings you go on with networking contacts to get an insider perspective on their industry or role.) You know …

Answering Interview Questions Like “Why Are You Currently Unemployed?”

When you’re currently out of work and job hunting, you might feel like your unemployment status is a red flag for recruiters and hiring managers. Certainly, some employers are going to look at your lack of employment as a problem, …

Prepping for an interview – don’t forget to research the company!

Preparing ahead of time can make or break an interview.  Many people spend all of their time preparing their answers about themselves and their experience and do little company research.  Don’t make this mistake!  You need to know the company …