DU offers career support for alumni in all phases of their professional lives.
Important: Alumni Career & Professional Development is migrating to a new phone system as part of a university-wide upgrade. Please contact us via our contact form or email (alumnicareers@du.edu), rather than contacting us by phone, until the migration is completed.
Winter Break is here and it’s the perfect time to get cozy and focus inward. Make some cocoa, curl up in your favorite chair, and settle in for some selfie-reflection.
Breaks from school are great times to look over …
By Kyle Inselman
Kyle InselmanDirector, Alumni Career & Professional Development
Half the battle of creating strong resumes is in developing content that truly illuminates your strengths and showcases your accomplishments; telling the story of your past experiences in a compelling manner is where most folks struggle. Whether your experience was paid or unpaid, …
By Carolyn Sommers
Carolyn SommersAssociate Director, Serves Undergraduate CAHSS & Exploring Students
There are a lot of reasons to do a thesis or dissertation, and probably just as many not to. In my graduate program, International and Intercultural Communication, students have the option to complete a thesis or an internship. Here are …
A key part of the job search process is your ability to network. Networking is a way to stand out amongst your peers. When talking with colleagues, potential employers, and alumni, be sure you are your best professional self. Talk …
Many people would rather give up a favorite thing in their life than spend time networking. Reports vary, but it is commonly noted that around 80% of all jobs are acquired through networking. Once you are employed, the networking continues. Now is …
Burwell Center for Career Achievement
2190 E. Asbury Avenue
Denver, CO 80210
Quick Question Phone Hours
12 PM – 1 PM
3 PM - 4 PM
Call for any career related questions!
Calls and voicemails received outside of our office hours will be returned within two business days. We also welcome quick questions over email at alumnicareers@du.edu.