Lucky you! You’ve landed a job offer…or more than one! Now – how do you evaluate this offer and know whether you need to get more information or request some changes in that offer? Here’s a few things to remember when in the final stages of a job search:
- Research salary data: when the employer brings up salary, make sure that you are ready and educated.
- Do not bring up salary first: Do everything in your power to avoid discussing salary until an offer is made if possible.
- State your salary may be negotiable depending on the scope of job responsibilities
- Budget what your ideal monthly income would be based on rent/mortgage, bills, food, etc. so that you have an idea of what the ideal salary to meet your basic needs may be
- Utilize Glass Door, ONet, the Career Center website, and DU salary data (work with your career advisor to get your major specific information) for salary research
3. Take time to consider the offer: It’s okay (and normal!) to ask for time to consider the offer and try to get the final offer in writing.
4. Evaluate the offer: It is much more than just a number or dollar amount. Look at it as a compensation package and consider the following factors:
- Promotional opportunities
- Salary progression expectations
- Monetary (commissions, bonuses)
- Near-monetary (401k, pensions and stock options, tuition reimbursement/waiver)
- Non-monetary (vacation, child care, healthcare)
- Relocation assistance
5. Accept, negotiate, or reject the offer with appreciation and enthusiasm
- fake sure to Finalize the negotiation with a positive interaction; the behavior and exchanges during the offer stage set the tone for the working relationship in the future
- Don’t be too anxious to accept the offer on the spot – you have the strongest negotiating leverage once you have received an official offer
6. Not sure how to respond to an offer?: In the end, if you have a job offer (or two) on the table, but you’re still not sure what is right for you, contact us to schedule a meeting with a career advisor. We’d love to help you evaluate offers or research salaries as needed.
Call 303.871.2150 to schedule.
Author: Rebecca Damas joined the University Career Center in September, 2014 after working in the Daniels College of Business for three years in academic and career advising. Prior to that, she worked at her alma mater, the University of Missouri, for seven years in roles including: Internship Coordinator, Development Officer, and Athletic Academic Advisor.
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, University of Missouri
Editor: Maria Kuntz