Supervising others is a big responsibility and learning how to do so effectively is key to making any supervisory relationship work. In this training, you’ll learn about the unique development of students, structuring meaningful experiences for students, successful on-boarding practices, as well as coaching techniques. We will share Career Skills & Guided Reflection on Work (GROW®) questions for weekly and annual performance conversations. We’ll also learn from DU supervisor, Neda Kikhia, and former student employee, Manda Wittebort, about how they made their supervisory relationship thrive.
- Students
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- By College
- College of Arts Humanities, and Social Sciences
- Daniels College of Business
- Daniel Felix Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science
- Graduate School of Professional Psychology
- Graduate School of Social Work
- Josef Korbel School of International Studies – Graduate Students
- Josef Korbel School of International Studies – Undergraduate Students
- Morgridge College of Education
- College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- University College
- Still Exploring
- Identity / Affinity
- Build Career Skills
- Share Your Story
- Alumni
- Employers & Recruiters
- Student Employment
- About