This video is a condensed version of what international students should know about student employment. We cover graduate assistantships (2:36), work study information (4:31), and things that are good to know and crucial to know for international students (6:49). Lastly, we cover rules for international students (10:09) as well as trainings and events available to student employees (14:14). Links to the full version of this video as well as other important videos are linked below.
- Students
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- By College
- College of Arts Humanities, and Social Sciences
- Daniels College of Business
- Daniel Felix Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science
- Graduate School of Professional Psychology
- Graduate School of Social Work
- Josef Korbel School of International Studies – Graduate Students
- Josef Korbel School of International Studies – Undergraduate Students
- Morgridge College of Education
- College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- University College
- Still Exploring
- Identity / Affinity
- Build Career Skills
- Share Your Story
- Alumni
- Employers & Recruiters
- Student Employment
- About