Student Employee Achieve Series
This professional development series is for any and all student employees, regardless of funding source or degree level! If these pre-scheduled times do not work for your staff, student employment can deliver tailored trainings via team meetings based on our menu of topics. Special training topics accepted.
We want to make sure everyone can fully access our student employment events. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact Elise Goss-Alexander at
Remember to check with your supervisors to see if these trainings can be considered paid professional development!
Academic Year 2022-23
The Office of Student Employment is offering the Student Employees Achieve Badge. Students who complete the badge will be proficient in application of the NACE career readiness competencies in their student employment role and prepared to transfer those skills to post-graduate work opportunities. This process of reflection, connection, and discovery delivers on the 4D Experience, providing opportunities that support students’ intellectual growth, character growth, well-being, and sense of purpose.
To find more information and apply, check out this website.
Fall 2022
Tuesday, 10/11, 4 – 5 pm | What Happens When a Report Is Made to Equal Opportunity & Title IX? | Registration on Zoom
The Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX is responsible for facilitating compliance with applicable federal, state, and local anti-discrimination laws. As a student employee, you are responsible for reports to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX pursuant to the University’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy.
Please join our campus partners at EOIX for an in-depth presentation on how to receive and make reports to EOIX and to learn what happens when a report is made to EO-Title IX.
For students participating in the Student Employees Achieve (SEA) Badge program, this training will fulfill the Equity & Inclusion competency requirement.
Thursday, 11/3, 4 – 5 pm | Honoring your Gifts and Needs with The Wayfaring Band | Registration on Zoom
Join the Office of Student Employment for a fun leadership training with The Wayfaring Band, a Denver non profit that offers adventure travel for adults with and without disabilities. You will have the chance to get to know some of the leadership team and how to apply some of the band’s values around interdependence, mutual aid and self advocacy into your leadership and daily lives.
Participants in the Student Employees Achieve (SEA) badge program can count this training for the Leadership competency.
Winter 2023
Thursday , 2/9, 4 – 5 pm |Coaching Your Peers: Asking Powerful Questions | Registration on Zoom
It can be confusing enough to figure out your own thoughts, so how do you help other people do it as a student employee and a young professional? Join the Office of Student Employment and Academic Advising for an interactive training on coaching skills! You’ll learn how to help your peers, friends, and colleagues reach their goals through simple coaching techniques which include asking powerful questions that expands their thinking, helps make connections, focuses a thought, shifts perspective, and triggers an “ah ha” moment.
For students participating in the Student Employees Achieve (SEA) Badge program, this training will fulfill the Communication competency requirement.
Tuesday, 2/21, 4:30 – 5:30 pm | Managing Up | Registration on Zoom
As a student employee, you’re not just being supervised by your boss—you can also play an active role in that relationship and advocate for yourself by managing up! In this training, you’ll learn strategies for managing your relationship with your supervisor.
For students participating in the Student Employees Achieve (SEA) Badge program, this training will fulfill the Teamwork competency requirement.
Spring 2023
Wednesday, 4/12, 4 – 5 pm | Program & Event Planning | Registration on Zoom
Planning a program, an event, or even a meeting is much more than just who, what, where, and when! It requires thinking critically through your goals, learning outcomes, and methodologies. Join the Office of Student Engagement and the Office of Student Employment for a workshop where we will get you all set to think through your next program or event!
For students participating in the Student Employees Achieve (SEA) Badge program, this training will fulfill the Critical Thinking competency requirement.
Wednesday, 5/7, 4 – 5 pm | Digital Accessibility | Registration on Zoom
So much of our world today is digital, from emails to presentations to virtual meetings and events. It can be easy to forget that systems that work for some of us don’t work for all of us, especially people with disabilities. In this training, student employees will learn how to navigate important accessibility considerations to make your digital content more accessible to everyone.
For students participating in the Student Employees Achieve (SEA) Badge program, this training will fulfill the Technology Competency requirement.
Fall 2021
Friday, 9/10 @ 1 pm – 3 pm | Student Employment Job Fair | The Burwell Center for Career Achievement, Room 340 | Students Register Here
Join us at our first ever in-person student employment job fair! During this event, students will be able to meet with on-campus employers looking for talented future team members across all majors. This event is open to all students, whether you have work-study or not, permanent work authorization or not, and whatever degree level you’re at! The Student Employment team will be there to answer any questions you might have about working on campus.
Wednesday, 10/20 @ 4 pm – 5 pm | Time Management | The Burwell Center for Career Achievement, Room 220 | TBD
Students employees balance classes, homework, working, internships and sometimes even other responsibilities. That’s a lot. And that busyness doesn’t stop after graduation! In this training, Peyton Taylor, Director of Internship Recruitment and Development at Northwestern Mutual, will help DU student employees identify their top challenges to time management and build tools for overcoming them. Career Skills addressed: professionalism, communication, teamwork.
- Articulating the Value of Your Student Employment Experience
- Making Performance Evaluations Work for You
- Navigating Conflict in the Workplace
- Supervising Up
- Crucial Conversations: How to Talk to Coworkers When Emotions are Strong and the Stakes are High
- Professionalism & Authenticity
- Managing Stress as a Student Employee
- Working Remotely and Staying Organized
- Students’ Rights & Responsibilities in the Hiring Process
- Students’ Rights & Responsibilities as Employees
Spring 2021
Wednesday, 4/21 @ 4:30 pm | Articulating the Value of Your Student Employment Experience | View recording
Student employment is real employment! In your student employment position, you are using many of the transferable skills employers will be looking for upon graduation. The trick is explaining this to them. In this training, we’ll hear from recruiters at key Denver employers about how you can impress hiring managers with your student employment experience.
Career Competencies addressed: critical thinking; communications; career management.
Thursday, 4/29 @ 4:00 pm | Making Performance Evaluations Work for You | View recording
Receiving feedback from your supervisor as a student employee can be hard, and scheduled performance evaluations are no different! But evaluations can also be a tool for you as you build career skills and plan for your professional future. In this training, you’ll learn how to prepare for an evaluation, how to deal with negative feedback, and how to use that conversation to advocate for a raise, promotion, or growth.
Career Competencies addressed: leadership; professionalism/work ethic; career management.
Tuesday, 5/4 @ 12:00 pm | Navigating Conflict in the Workplace | Recording available soon!
Conflict happens in all relationships, even in the relationship of a supervisor and student employee. This training will dive into assumptions, motivations and navigating challenging conversations. What stories are we creating that get in the way of productive interactions and conversations? If a roadblock occurs, how can we work through it in a positive way where folks get their needs met? We’ll discuss listening vs. understanding and delivering messages clearly and concisely. What are ways we can ensure that all parties feel heard and understood? How can we be clear from the beginning to avoid miscommunications that may occur later?
In addition, we will explore how unconscious bias works as an element in conflict on an interpersonal level as
well as how unconscious bias becomes ingrained in systems. We will be looking at conflict through the lens of power, privilege, and oppression as well as how identity influences perspective and experiences.
We will cover Cultivating Healthy Communication in a subsequent training. Navigating Conflict in the Workplace and Cultivating Healthy Communication will be open to both supervisors and student employees.
Career competencies addressed: DEI, problem solving, communication.
On-going | Professional Development Programming | PCO
Register for the many events we have on Professional Development on PCO. Topics include resume, cover letters, transferrable skills, interviewing, networking, salary negotiation, and more.
Career Competencies addressed: career management.
Winter 2021
Thursday, 2/11 @ 4:30 pm | Supervising Up | Access Recording Here
As a student employee, you’re not just being supervised by your boss—you can also play an active role in that relationship and advocate for yourself by supervising up! In this training, you’ll learn strategies for managing your relationship with your supervisor.
We’ll also learn from one DU supervisor and her former student employee about how they made their supervisory relationship thrive. Our guests for this conversation are:
Neda Kikhia — Neda joined the DU community once again as the Program Manager for the DU DialogUes program, adding staff to a list of student, campus leader, and alumni. Trained in Community Organizing, Neda looks for opportunities, events, and programming that focus on elevating the voices and stories of people that move folks to action. She is a Colorado local who is passionate about community engagement and its potential to initiate sustainable community change. She is an avid podcast listener, travel enthusiast, and spoken word fanatic.
Manda Wittebort — Manda is a civic leader who has engaged in service-learning, community development and positive youth development. Throughout her educational and professional journey, she has sought opportunities to develop her civic leadership skills so she can increase her capacity to effect positive community change. During her time as a DU student, Manda worked in a variety of student employment positions, including as a DU Dialogue Graduate Coordinator, GlobalRes Graduate Coordinator, and a CCESL Community Engaged Fellow.
Career Competencies addressed: communication; teamwork/collaboration; leadership; professionalism/work ethic; career management.
Tuesday, 2/16 @ 4:00 pm | Crucial Conversations: How to Talk to Coworkers When Emotions are Strong and the Stakes are High
Difficulties and conflicts arise at work, just as they do in everyday life. It’s natural—we’re only human! However, at work, the stakes may seem really high. How often have you put off a challenging conversation because you were worried about how it would go? And isn’t it even harder now that work is increasingly taking place in the virtual world? Wouldn’t you like to be able to transform unpleasant emotions into powerful dialogue? Join Paula Staffeldt, seasoned leadership coach and corporate trainer, for an interactive taste of Crucial Conversations, based on the best-selling book and program.
You’ll discover:
• what makes a conversation crucial
• why these kinds of conversations are personally so difficult for you
• how to set the stage for a candid, respectful conversation, even when the stakes are high
Space for this training is limited, so register quick! Due to the interactive nature of this program, we are asking for cameras to remain on during the training. Please feel free to use a virtual background (Zoom has great pre-loaded options!). If you have not used a virtual background before, here is a quick how-to.
Career Competencies addressed: teamwork/collaboration; critical thinking/problem solving; digital technology; career management.
Wednesday, 2/24 @ 4:30 pm | Professionalism and Authenticity | Access recording here
Standards for professional conduct, appearance, and communications in the workplace are usually different from everyday interactions. They are also informed by power dynamics, history, and identity. So how can you be professional while also being yourself? In this training, you’ll learn how to identify professionalism standards in your workplace and navigate your personal and professional identities.
We’ll be joined in this conversation by alumni guests:
TeRay Esquibel is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Ednium: The Alumni Collective. TeRay is a Denver Public School graduate and an Alumni of the University of Denver. TeRay’s program, Ednium: The Alumni Collective, launched in the summer of 2020, serving DPS Alumni between the ages of 18-30 who represent the diversity of the district. Previously, TeRay worked as an Admission Counselor at the University of Denver serving Denver and Aurora Public Schools. In this role, TeRay engaged with Denver Public Schools and its community to empower students (and their families) on their journey to furthering their educational horizons by acting as a liaison for the university and external organizations dedicated to increasing the enrollment and persistence rates for students coming from traditionally underrepresented communities throughout Denver.
Mawukle Yebuah is a young entrepreneur and co-founder of men’s accessories brand Flare & Square. Mawukle immigrated to the United States from Ghana at a young age. He started Flare & Square with his childhood friend Fatima Rashad while they were in college. They both shared a passion for fashion and community engagement. Together, they have combined their unique skill sets and backgrounds to build a business that not only brings original styles and products to the market, but is also known for operating with high ethical standards and bringing appositive influence to their community.
Career Competencies addressed: communication; professionalism/work ethic; career management; diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Monday, 3/1 @ 4:30 pm | Managing Stress as a Student Employee | Access Recording Here
Do you find that juggling multiple work responsibilities on top of school can be quite stressful? This event will offer student employees the chance to learn more about the background and sources of stress, positive coping mechanisms, effective communication strategies, and resources available to DU student employees. In this event, attendees will also hear from current DU student employees about how they manage their own stress and overall mental well-being.
Career Competencies addressed: communication; leadership; professionalism/work ethic; career management.
On-going | Professional Development Programming | PCO
Register for the many events we have on Professional Development on Pioneer Careers. Topics include resume, cover letters, transferrable skills, interviewing, networking, salary negotiation, and more.
Career Competencies addressed: career management.
Fall 2020
Tu, 10/20 @ 4 pm | Working Remotely and Staying Organized | View Recorded Session
Working remotely and virtually is new to many of us. This brief 30-min session will deliver tools and strategies to help you successfully work remotely. Career Competencies addressed: digital technology, professionalism/work ethic.
Wed, 10/28 @ 12 pm | Students’ Rights & Responsibilities in the Hiring Process | View Recorded Session
Presented by the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX. Learn about your rights and responsibilities in the hiring process. This training will include a specific focus on the interview phase. By the end of the training, you will understand your rights and where to go for additional assistance or questions. While this training is geared toward students, supervisors are welcome to attend. Career Competencies addressed: critical thinking/ problem solving, career management.
Thu, 11/5 @ 12 pm | Students’ Rights & Responsibilities as Employees | View Recorded Session
Presented by the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX. Learn about your rights and responsibilities after you’ve been hired. This training will include a specific focus on ADA, identity categories, harassment and more. By the end of the training, you will understand your rights and where to go for additional assistance or questions. While this training is geared toward students, supervisors are welcome to attend. Career Competencies addressed: critical thinking/ problem solving, career management.