DC Career Connections Application
In order to apply, please fill out the application available via this external link: https://udenver.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8bOVMfcFEvHjJci
Please note: Your registration is not complete until you complete the application via the link above AND pay the nonrefundable deposit. Please stop by the JKSIS Office of Career and Professional Development (SIE Complex Suite 1005) to submit your payment of $50 by credit card, cash, or check (made out to University of Denver) by September 27, 2024. The office is open 8:30am-4:30pm, Monday – Friday. As of 09/19, you can also submit your credit card payment via this link: https://crimsonconnect.du.edu/KOR/rsvp_boot?id=2266096
Program Details
The DC Career Connections program is a career exploration opportunity for Korbel graduate students who are interested in internships or careers in Washington, D.C. The program will take place the week of December 9th, 2024.
This year’s programming includes pre-arranged group site visits to the U.S. Department of State, the Central Intelligence Agency (U.S. citizens only), Silverado Policy Accelerator, and the Aspen Institute, and a networking event with DU alumni. Additionally, students are required to set up at least two individual informational interviews with DU alumni in the area.
In addition to filling out the application via the link above, participants are required to pay a $50 nonrefundable deposit.
The first 30 students who complete the application and pay the $50 nonrefundable deposit will be eligible to receive a $400 stipend upon successful completion of the program. At this time, the stipend is only available to current Korbel graduate students and undergraduate students accepted into the Korbel Jumpstart program.
Some of the top Korbel employers in the Washington, D.C. area include:
- U.S. State Department
- Center for Strategic International Studies
- United Nations Foundation
- Chemonics
- FHI 360
- The World Bank
- Freedom House
- Government Accountability Office
- Department of Homeland Security
- Partnership for Public Service
- The CIA
- The Aspen Institute
- Silverado Policy Accelerator