Welcome to the Education & Community Development and Creative Industry Cluster!  

Education and Community Development focuses on improving educational outcomes and fostering community growth. This cluster includes schools, colleges, universities, nonprofit organizations, and various support services that work together to create a thriving community.  

Creative Industries encompasses a wide range of fields, including music, performing arts, visual arts, design, film, and digital media. This cluster is ideal for students passionate about creativity and looking to turn their artistic talents into fulfilling careers. 

Key Components

  • Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, and universities that provide formal education and training. 
  • Community Organizations: Non-profits and local groups that support social impact and community projects. 
  • Creative Businesses: Companies in industries such as advertising, fashion, film production, and game design. 
  • Government Agencies: Local and state bodies that provide funding, policy support, and regulatory oversight. 
  • Cultural Organizations: Museums, galleries, theaters, and other venues that support and showcase creative work.

Common Majors 

  • English and Literary Arts 
  • Psychology 
  • Sociology 
  • Urban Studies 
  • Socio-Legal Studies 
  • Public Policy 
  • Media, Film, & Journalism Studies 
  • Filma Studies and Production 
  • Studio Art 
  • Art History 

While these majors provide a strong foundation, there are many valuable pathways to working in these fields. Additional experience and certifications can also play a significant role.  

Industry Cluster Team

