Students & Alumni with Disabilities

As a student or alumni with a disability, we know you may have specific questions as it relates to your job search such as when to disclose a disability, how to identify inclusive employers, and/or how to request accommodations in a job interview or in the workplace. Our team of career advisors is happy to discuss these topics with you and ensure you have the tools needed to proceed with confidence. Check out the below tools and resources to help you get started.

Career Advising

Have specific questions you would like to explore with a career advisor? Students can schedule an appointment with their Career Advisor using PCO. Alumni, please utilize the alumni quick question hours for additional support.

Useful Resources

Job Accommodation Network
This site is a great tool for you and employers to explore to understand possible accommodation options that meet your needs.

Guide for People with Disabilities Seeking Employment
This guide gives an overview of your rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Disability Disclosure
This resource gives tips on when to disclose a disability and things to consider.

American Association of People with Disabilities
Great resources including internships, fellowships and the Disability Equality Index to help you identify the best organizations that employ and support people with disabilities.


AbilityLinks connects applicants with disabilities to a network of employers that value disability inclusion. So far, they have helped over 700 applicants find proper employment. Their website is also home to over 4000 active job postings across the country and a multitude of resources including useful articles, insightful blogs, program information, and more. They are a thriving web-based community increasing the employment of qualified job seekers with disabilities.

Additional Resources

Disclosing a Diagnosis

Asking for Accommodations and Workplace Accommodations

Attending a Career Fair

Job Seeking

Interviewing for a Job/Internship

Resources for Employers and those Working with People with a Disability

Expert Recommended Resources


The interview process is notoriously nuanced and ambiguous. You could leave wondering if you’ve said something wrong, but you …

Expert Recommended Blogs

Expert Recommended Classes

Career Exploration

Finding your career path doesn’t have to be a headache! Learn the difference between constructive and overwhelming questions to ask…


Get seen by employers and put your best foot forward in the application process by unlocking key hacks and tips…

Hiring Process & Offer Evaluation

Upgrade your hire-ability by demystifying the hiring process from application to offer.

Getting to Know Your Manager & Team

Navigating a new workplace is a challenge. Start your new role with confidence by asking the right questions on (and…

Presence & Professionalism

Whether you’re in the office, joining a remote meeting, or attending a work event, how you show up matters! Demystify…

Professional Writing & Organization

Take a deep dive into the unspoken do’s and don’ts of professional communication with coworkers, customers, managers, and more! Then,…


Prepare to ace the interview! Dive into interview fundamentals, secrets to making a great first impression on employers, and how…

Cover Letters

When used correctly, a cover letter can be a valuable companion to your resume. This course will provide the samples…


Improve your ability to communicate big ideas to clients, teams, and execs by honing your presentation skills! Gain access to…

Requesting Time Off

Nervous about requesting time off from work? Not sure how to ask your manager? Get the essential information and templates…

Featured Resources


A resource for job and internship opportunities all around the world and has an H1B database of employers looking to …

The Career Milestones

The Career Milestones will help you achieve your professional goals. Engage with your career journey at any point. Undergraduates should …


AbilityLinks connects applicants with disabilities to a network of employers that value disability inclusion. So far, we have helped over 700 …

Guide for People With Disabilities Seeking Employment

If you are seeking a job or are new to the workforce, you should become familiar with the Americans with …

Internship & Job Searching in Tough Economic Times

Learn helpful strategies and tips as you job and internship search during tough economic times. Leave this virtual webinar with …

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