DU offers career support for alumni in all phases of their professional lives.
Important: Alumni Career & Professional Development is migrating to a new phone system as part of a university-wide upgrade. Please contact us via our contact form or email (alumnicareers@du.edu), rather than contacting us by phone, until the migration is completed.
Learn about a collaboration between DU’s career services offices who developed a retreat at the Kennedy Mountain Campus called Designing for Careers and Lives of Purpose. This 2 1/2 day event brought together undergraduate and graduate students and recent alumni …
Even when we’re speaking the same language, we all communicate a little differently. Some people offer short, straightforward responses or explanations while others might add a ton of detail.
Knowing your own communication style—and learning to adapt to different styles—can …
Idealist Careers | Helping you land, love, and grow in your social-impact career. And visit Idealist.org explore thousands of great jobs and social-impact organizations near you.
Burwell Center for Career Achievement
2190 E. Asbury Avenue
Denver, CO 80210
Quick Question Phone Hours
12 PM – 1 PM
3 PM - 4 PM
Call for any career related questions!
Calls and voicemails received outside of our office hours will be returned within two business days. We also welcome quick questions over email at alumnicareers@du.edu.