Supervisors! Register Your Student Employees for Feedback Reports
Hello Student Employee Supervisors!
Action Requested
Student Employment is preparing the 2024 Fall SkillSurvey for Career Readiness feedback process for student employees. Example SkillSurvey Feedback Report. This opportunity is offered every fall …
For students interested in working while pursuing their studies and gaining valuable skills and experience, our student employment positions are a great opportunity. We have both work-study funded and non-work study funded positions posted in PCO, DU’s central online internship …
Join the Office of Student Employment at our student employment job fair! During this event, students will be able to meet with on-campus employers looking for talented future team members across all majors.
Summer may be here, but the Office of Student Employment is too! Join us throughout the summer to learn about your place in the student employment community.
Calling all Supervisors! DU’s National Student Employment Week (April 8 – 12) is quickly approaching! Would you like to show appreciation for your student employees, but tight on budget? We got you.
The Office of Student Employment has created free …
Join the Office of Student Employment in celebrating our student employees and supervisors this National Student Employment Week, held between April 8th and 12th!
Throughout the Week
Here are our ideas for (free and low-cost) ways supervisors can show their …
The Student Employment team invites all student employees, supervisors and supporters (including family and friends) to celebrate virtually with us as we honor our Student Employees of the Year, Caris Fox and Susan Cossa, and our Supervisor of the Year, Emily Schosid, and recognize all of this year’s nominees!
For your next position, you’re looking for a management role. You know you could lead a team of people, devising strategy and inspiring them to do their best work.
There’s only one problem: you haven’t actually been a leader before.
Do you want to plan an event or program but don’t know where to begin? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Planning events or programs can be challenging, and it can feel overwhelming to start the process. Luckily, we’re here to …
Join the Office of Student Employment in celebrating our student employees and supervisors this National Student Employment Week, held between April 10th and 14th!
Throughout the Week
Here are our ideas for (free and low-cost) ways supervisors can show their …