As graduation approaches, graduate school might seem like a preferable option to searching for a full-time job. After all, being a student is comfortable! It is what you have been doing successfully for 17+ years!
There are a lot of great reasons to go on for a graduate degree. In some cases, additional education might be required to achieve your intended career goal, and that is a great reason to continue your education. At the same time, it is important that you exercise caution if you realize you are going to graduate school for the following reasons:
1. You don’t know what you want to do after graduation
Lacking a career goal is a poor reason to go to graduate school. In many cases, graduate schools want to know what your career goals are and how the advanced degree relates to your goals. You will be a more competitive applicant if you have a clear reason for attending.
2. The job search feels daunting
Yes, job searching provokes anxiety and requires some work especially during a recession, but the bottom line is that having more education and more debt will not change that! In some cases, additional education can actually make your job search harder, depending on the field of study and demand for that education.
3. You *think* more education will probably be beneficial
As mentioned above, sometimes additional education is a requirement for your career of choice, but this is not always the case. Before going to graduate school, talk with people in your desired profession about how a graduate degree may help or hinder your career path. In some cases, work experience is deemed just as valuable as additional education and by working, you can be earning money while developing skills rather than paying for an additional degree.
Whether you need help with your job search, grad school applications or determining your next steps, the staff at Career & Professional Development are here to help! Call 303.871.2150 to schedule an appointment or visit Pioneer Careers to schedule online.