You just beat out the competition for your new job so now it’s time to deliver! Here are some tips to help you succeed.
1. Listen—Observe—Learn
Take the time to understand your team, the culture, goals and overall vibe of your new workplace.
2. Set regular 1-1 meetings with your supervisor
You will begin to learn what success means for them, for their department and how you fit into their vision.
3. Ask for feedback
If you are meeting expectations, keep up the good work! If you are not, it is good to be aware early on so you can adjust your work and request additional guidance.
4. Ask questions
Asking questions demonstrates engagement in your job and organization, not ignorance or lack of skills.
5. Understand communication styles
Learn who doesn’t mind interruptions or who prefers to receive an email, phone call or text. You’ll receive a response in a timelier manner when you know your team’s preferred style.
As the newest member of your team, it can be overwhelming as you navigate your job, relationships, and supervisors. Take the time to be thoughtful and open to learning as much as you can while it is still acceptable to call yourself the “newbie” on the team!