One of the best things you can do as a college student is to get an internship (or two!) before you graduate. Consider the following statistics:
- 50% of employers expect students to have TWO or more internships by the time they graduate. (Recruiting Trends, CERI, 2008)
- A 2012 survey showed that employers weight internships and related experience more highly than GPA or major when considering candidates for employment. (The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2012)
Not only can internships help your job prospects after graduation, but they can also be a great way for you to test out some of the many possible career paths available and clarify your career goals.
Need help finding an internship for the spring or summer? Start by checking out some of these great resources:
Career Advising – Schedule an appointment on Pioneer Careers or by calling 303-871-2150. Your career advisor can give you tips for finding internships that match your major and/or interests.
Pioneer Careers – Job and internship postings for DU students and alumni.
UCAN Internships– National internship postings for DU students and others at top U.S. universities.